Bee Aware – How you can help

Helping our Native Bees is very simple.  Here are some steps to get you started.

1) Avoid using pesticides and insecticides on your lawn and gardens.  The “perfect” manicured lawn is often a desert to pollinators.  Consider the “imperfect” lawn, full of dandelions, white clover, violets and other flowers as your contribution to a healthy environment.

2) Plant a variety of flowering plants with different bloom times.  Plant varieties that bloom early in the spring to varieties that bloom until the first frost.  Perennials will grow back from year to year while annuals will need to be replanted every year.  Consider native plants first, but many non-native plants such as dandelions are enjoyed by native bees.  The following attachment will be a useful guide to help you in selecting plants for your backyard garden.  PLANTS FOR NATIVE BEES (2)

3) Provide a variety of habitat to attract native bees, such as “wild” edges with tall grass, brush piles, stone walls and stone piles and other features to encourage nesting habitat and winter shelter to native bees.  In addition, you could construct mason bee or bumblebee houses.

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